Matti Hyvärinen
Finnish goldsmith, artist, sculptor
(1937 - 2017)
Matti Hyvärinen is among the most productive and internationally best known Finnish contemporary jewelry designers and artists. Hyvärinen is the only Finn to have won the prestigious Diamonds International Award in 1967 and was the first nominated Goldsmith of the Year in Finland in 1987.He is a contemporary and friend of other well-known Turku based Finnish artists and designers such as Jorma Laine, Elis Kauppi, Pentti Sarpaneva. Gallery GAo ShAn are presenting the unique and limited contemporary jewelry from past made by Matti Hyvärinen.
Matti Hyvärinen available works
Slates series brooch . 1963
Rosebud . ring . mid-1980s